Terms of Service, Legal Restrictions, Privacy Policy and Copyright Policy


ATTENTION: Please read all the provisions carefully before using this web site. Using this website indicates your agreement and acceptance of each of these terms. If you do not accept these terms do not use this site, provide donations, or download materials from this site.

SITE DISCLAIMER: Copyright Save This Soldier, All Rights Reserved. Neither the family of Kelly A. Stewart or the Webmaster shall have any liability for the accuracy of the information contained in this site, or for the delays or omissions therein. None of the foregoing parties shall be liable for any third-party claims or losses of any nature, including but not limited to direct, incidental, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages. You are instructed to verify information located on this site by third parties prior to its use. If any information located on this Site is found to be inaccurate, please contact us so that the information can be updated.

Although all information is believed to be accurate, no information shall be warranted or guaranteed in any way. All information should be verified before acting upon it and it is the users sole responsibility to do so. The Webmaster reserves the right to remove or replace any and all information located on this web site found to be inaccurate. All information or services provided are without warranty of any kind.

THIRD PARTY SITES: We may provide as a convenience to you, links to Web sites operated and owned by other entities and persons, but we make no representations whatsoever about any other Web site which you may access through this one. Any link to a third party site does not mean that Kelly A. Stewart, his family, or the Webmaster endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content, or the use of such Web site. If you use these sites, you do so at your own risk.

Any opinions, statements, services or other information or content expressed or made available by any third party are those of the respective author or owner and not of Kelly A. Stewart, his family, or the Webmaster.  Nor do they exercise editorial control over materials posted by any third party.

All donations are non-refundable and are considered to be given freely to assist this soldier.  They are not tax deductible.

PRIVACY POLICY: Any information submitted to this site will be used strictly for the purpose indicated. No information shall ever be submitted to any third party.

COPYRIGHT: Everything on this site is copyrighted.  However, you are free to view or print material from this site, provided that:

1. The material is used for information purposes only
2. The material is used for non-commercial purposes only
3. The material shall not be copied, in part or in whole, for any commercial use of any kind.